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Common Motorcycle Laws

As a motorcycle rider, it is important to be aware of the laws that pertain to the operation of your vehicle. 

Depending on the state in which you live, these laws may vary slightly. 

However, there are some commonalities among motorcycle laws from state to state.


One common law is that all riders must wear a helmet while operating their motorcycle. 

In some states, there are exceptions to this law if the rider is over a certain age or has completed a safety course

However, it is generally required that all riders wear helmets.


Another common law is that riders must have a valid driver’s license in order to operate a motorcycle. 

In many states, riders are also required to have a motorcycle-specific license in addition to a regular driver’s license. 

To obtain a motorcycle license, riders typically must pass a written exam and on-cycle skills test.


Most states also have laws governing the use of headlights and taillights on motorcycles. 

For example, many states require that motorcycles have their headlights turned on at all times while operating. 

Additionally, many states require that motorcycles have at least one red taillight that is visible from the rear of the vehicle.


There are also typically laws governing the maximum speed limit for motorcycles. 

In most cases, the speed limit for motorcycles is lower than the speed limit for cars. 

This is because motorcycles are less stable and more difficult to control at high speeds.


Finally, many states have laws prohibiting motorcycle riders from operating their vehicles while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

 These laws are in place to help keep riders safe and to prevent accidents. 

If you are caught operating a motorcycle while under the influence, you could face stiff penalties, including jail time.

Know The Laws

Knowing and following the motorcycle laws in your state can help keep you safe on the road and avoid costly penalties. 

If you are unsure about the laws in your state, be sure to check with your local department of motor vehicles.